Credit Management
We offer help with budgeting and money management, along with specific services designed for all types of debt and debt issues.

Filing For Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy is a serious decision that should only be used as a last resort when no other debt repayment options are available.
Credit Counselling
If your debt is low but repayment is unmanageable, a credit counselling agency can contact creditors on your behalf and provide you with money management and budgeting strategies you need.

Consumer Proposal
Filing a consumer proposal can protect you from your unsecured creditors by consolidating all your debts into one place and simplifying your payments.

Debt Consolidation
Consolidating your debts into a single loan will allow you to repay creditors with one monthly payment with an interest rate that is often lower than what you currently have.
Informal Debt Settlement
Depending on how much debt you have, you might be able to contact your creditors directly and negotiate a lower interest rate or repayment schedule that works for you.

Letter to Creditors
Contacting your creditors in writing can help you negotiate smaller payments over a longer period of time and give you other options you might not have considered.
Reducing Your Debt
We provide accurate information on money management, debt repayment options and collection agency practices. People who follow our debt relief program generally pay off their debt in approximately four year.

Contact our office for more detailed information about this process and your situation.

Paycheque to Paycheque
Do you live paycheque to paycheque? Are bill collectors calling you at home or work? Have you borrowed money from a payday loan company? If you answered yes to any of these common symptoms of debt problems, you could have debt issues.
Stressed & Overwhelmed
If you are currently facing financial difficulty and are considering the prospect of bankruptcy, you probably feel stressed out and overwhelmed. We want you to know that there are a number of different options available to you that can help control your debt, without having to file for bankruptcy.

Professional Services
The professional and confidential services offered by Dana MacRae Licensed Insolvency Trustee can help you manage your money and control your debt. We offer help with budgeting and money management, along with specific services designed for all types of debt and debt issues.
Alternatives to Bankruptcy
The Solutions section of our website offers all possible alternatives to bankruptcy and what each of them entails. Please read through each option to learn more about the process and what impact it will have on you.

Start your road to debt recovery and financial freedom now.
Book Your Appointment Today.
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